Unicef-WHO data (2017), highlights the very limited access in rural Madagascar to clean water (63.77%) improved sanitation facilities (83.39%) and access to products for appropriate personal hygiene (49.46%). In 2016 H4O developed an in depth geo-localised household WASH KAP (Knowledge Attitudes and Practices) survey to prioritise and customise the Software Interventions.
Based on the evidences, H4O has designed the Hygiene and Sanitation Promotion programme so that beneficiary communities trigger the desire for a collective behavioural change, leading to a greater ownership and sustainability. The H4O programme mainly consists in workshops run by H4O trained local staff from the Tsara Tsiky social enterprise. The targets are students at primary and secondary school and their mothers. The project aims to stimulate the desire of having a private toilet and to promote hand washing together with other good practices emerged from the surveys. Clear and complete infographics explaining the Good and Bad habits have also been designed to be hung on the public boards of the beneficiary schools and are used to reinforce the message on a long-term basis.