H40, Help for Optimism
A comprehensive infrastructure of rights, opportunity, and safety 

Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH) and Social Entrepreneurship

WASH and Social Entrepreneurship are the core on which our interventions are built and we progressively implemented a comprehensive framework including a range of nutrition-focused initiatives, sports and creative practices

Combining different areas of expertise and a solid passion for development, we implement our programmes in North West Madagascar to increase resilience and opportunities for vulnerable communities.

Areas of impact

Health improvements

H4O improves people’s health through Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) interventions to prevent the spread of diseases and to improve people’s wellbeing.

Women's empowerment

We promote initiatives for women and led by women to foster their economic independence, safety and develop their competences and skills.

Skills development

H4O capacity building approach aims to transfer competences to local communities, fostering ownership and scalability of the interventions.

Financial sustainability

H4O enables community members to process and turn raw materials into high quality and affordable products and to reinvest the profits in other H4O projects.


Converting our vision into action


Aggiungi qui il testo dell'intestazione

Esempio articolo Blog 4

To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms. To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to

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Esempio articolo Blog 3

To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms. To provide Nosy Komba families with private

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Esempio articolo Blog 2

To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms. To provide Nosy Komba families with private

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Esempio articolo Blog

To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms. To provide Nosy Komba families with private

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Help us with your Optimism!

Be part of the difference

Press Release

SCAI Finance: dalla fornitura di acqua potabile allo sviluppo dell’imprenditoria sociale


V.I.M. ASSEMBLY with 110 italian associations that are working in Madagascar


NUTRIUM: nutrition before and after the pandemic

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