To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms. To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.To provide Nosy Komba families with private bathrooms and to train local teams in the entire process of constructing and maintaining the bathrooms.
Corso Massimo d'Azeglio, 30
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+39 3483692932 (ITA)
+261 326801337 (MG) -
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